
Broadley Bowl
12 July 2024

Dear Member,
Congratulations are in order to the Society in winning the Broadley Bowl at Carholme Golf Club today.
Over numerous years we have had to take second place to the Seniors of the Carholme Golf Club. As to whether we got the pairings correct or they took the foot off the pedal thinking it was going to be easy I guess we will never know.
What Geoff Rippon and Ron Hersey had in there morning tea i don't know but a 5&4 win set the ball rolling.
Graham Flint and Jim Welch with a 4&3 win maybe Graham has worked his Rangefinder out or was the steady play of Jim that got them over the line.
The Carholme past and present of Terry Atkinson  & Steve Leachman secured a two up victory.
Captain John Brogan & Vice Michael Billson had a 3 & 1 win in the opening match thus securing the 4 points to at least halve the match.

It came down to youth and experience in the shape of Neil Houghton and Alf Shaw to get the vital half for victory. Alf once again defied his years to get a 2 on the fifteenth.
Unfortunately losses came the way of Gary and Harvey Benson 2&1, Keith Hardy& Gary Lamb two down and Clive Dixon& John Reed 1 down. 

So 3 close games to complete the 4 ½ to 3 ½  win.
Nearest the pins went to Alf and John Reed with J.J.McKee 2 and Ken Watson for the hosts.
After an excellent lunch John Brogan received the Broadley Bowl from Carholme Seniors Captain Richard Horsted.
Once again many thanks to Ken Watson Senior Organiser for Carholme Seniors for arranging the fixture and the catering and bar staff for serving our needs.
Looking forward to trying to retain the Broadley Bowl in 2025.