
President’s Day
24 June 2024

President Alf Shaw welcomed members of the Society to his Annual President's Day at Wheatley Golf Club. Once again Doncaster's premier course was in excellent condition. The surprise came in the shape of a scorching day and not the torrential rain and wind that had spoiled the first three days of the season.
The Society welcomed Steve Gilliat of VTF Ltd who kindly sponsored the day.
Steve accompanied Captain John Brogan and President Alf in the opening three ball.
Greens were difficult and like most places the rough was severe so accuracy off the tee was key.
On such a hot day patience and course management can go a long way in producing a winning score and on this occasion Martyn Lynes was the leading man. Recently retired and the shackles of work off his shoulder his 38 points gave him victory by 3 points. 
The second and third places went to the same two gentleman who achieved this in May's fixture at Radcliffe. Andy Ecelson with 35 points winning on card countback from Paul Stafford. The evergreen Ernie Dyson came in 4th a shot further behind.
Two balls went to Steve Leachman and Lynes. With no David Thorpe the chance of bottles of claret to be had should have given encouragement to the rest of the field. However Lynes continued his form claiming two with Michael Billson also taking home two bottles and Paul Stafford claiming the fifth bottle on offer.
Many thanks are in order to our President who continues to defy his years and VTF Ltd for there kind Sponsorship. Captain John's charity also took a healthy sum with the fines master Flint harsh on one or two members even if he did hold up his group and the one behind.
So a great day for Lynes but maybe not so Clive Dixon who had to listen to Martyn on the way home not often Clive can't get a word in.
Next Fixture.
Friday July 26th Captains Day at Waltham Windmill, We wish John an enjoyable day.

38 - Martyn Lynes
35 - Andy Ecelson
35 - Paul Stafford
34 - Ernest Dyson
33 - Jon Sankey
32 - Michael Billson
32 - Simon Hayes
31 - Neil Houghton
31 - Clive Dixon
29 - Gary Benson
29 - Graham Flint
28 - Jim Welsh
28 - Keith Hardy
27 - David Mayo
26 - Geoff Rippon
25 - Andy Doe
24 - Ian Waite
23 - Ron Hersey
21 - Alf Shaw
21 - John brogan
21 - Steve Leachman
19 - Steve Gilliatt