
Members Cup
28 May 2024

Lincoln Golf Club was the setting for Saxilby Golf Society’s Annual Members Cup. Once again sunshine and Showers greeted the players  onto the first tee.

The morning forecast led to a few non runners and the heavy showers during the round led to a couple of participants pulling up.

However scoring on the hole was certainly an improvement from the first two Societies fixtures of the 2024 season.

Michael Billson defied the heavy going to take the Members Cup with 39 points with veteran  Ernie Dyson coming up on the rails to take second place to beat Jonathon Sankey on card countback with 37 points.

With the sponsors Shadow Automotive paying the first six places Neil Houghton beat Lee Hayward for 4th on countback with David Beech taking the final  6th place. David is certainly one to watch in future fixtures.

Nearest the pins went to Jonathon Sankey [2], David Thorpe and the President Alf Shaw. While 2 balls went to David Beech, Jim Welch and Mr Alf Shaw.

How great it is to see our President who defies his age to compete and keep appearing on the winners table.

The team prize courtesy of the Captain went to the trio of Ernie Dyson, Neil Houghton and David Beech.

The players then retreated to the Anglers Hotel for the fines and presentations.

The Society would like to thank Wayne for providing an excellent buffet and his continued support of the Society and to Joe Flint of Shadow Automotive for Sponsoring the Members Cup.

The June fixture sees a return to Wheatley Golf Club on Monday 24th when it is Presidents Day. The Society would like to thank VTF Ltd who are kindly sponsoring the day. We look forward to welcoming them on board on what should be an excellent day.

39 - Michael Billson
37 - Ernest Dyson
37 - Jon Sankey
36 - Neil Houghton
36 - Lee Hayward
34 - David Beech
34 - Gary Benson
33 - Clive Dixon
33 - Dave Thorpe
32 - Paul Stafford
31 - Graham Flint
31 - Jim Welsh
29 - Keith Hardy
29 - Steve Leachman
28 - David Mayo
26 - John brogan
25 - Ray Caines
23 - Harvey Benson
22 - Andy Doe
22 - Gary Lamb
21 - Alf Shaw
20 - Ron Hersey
13 - Geoff Rippon