Ashby Decoy

Reindeer Trophy
07 May 2021

After an absence of 17 months Saxilby Golf Society were able to return to the fairways as they started the 2021 campaign with a trip to Ashby Decoy. It was nine years since we last played at Ashby Decoy when Graham Flint was victorious in the Treasurers Trophy.

A lot has changed since but not Flint’s liking for the venue.

Members took to the first tee in overcast conditions in pursuit of the T.C.Maddison Reindeer Trophy. The course was in good condition which contributed to some excellent scores. Non more so than that of the Chairman as Graham Flint who with 40 points took the honours for back to back Ashby wins. It was really his form over the front nine that paved the way to victory and he needed a par on the 18th to edge out David Thorpe[39 points] who had a superior back nine. Martyn Lynes with 37 points took third spot well clear of the rest of the field.

Nearest the pins came the way of Keith Hardy[2]Clive Dixon and Mike Brown who turned his tee shot into the only two ball of the day.

Fortunately the weather held and Captain Geoff Rippon was able to proceed with his maiden speech and presentation on the patio overlooking the 18th green.

His first duty to was to raise a glass in memory of founder Member Lorcan Kelly who died recently. It was good to see seven founder Members present from March 1991 when the Society was formed.

June fixture President’s Day 11th June at Wheatley Golf Club.

40 - Graham Flint
39 - Dave Thorpe
37 - Martyn Lynes
33 - Clive Dixon
32 - Jake Benson
32 - John brogan
31 - Neil Houghton
31 - Gary Lamb
30 - Keith Hardy
30 - Alf Shaw
28 - Gary Benson
28 - Terry Maddison
27 - John Reed
26 - Lee Hayward
26 - Geoff Rippon
25 - Michael Billson
25 - Mike Brown
17 - Bob Marsh