
Members Cup
24 May 2022

Members were greeted by hailstones as they reached the tee for the annual Members Cup Sponsored by our friends at Just Audi VW at the Lincoln Golf Club.

Fortunately it didn’t last for long and the hail was replaced by blue sky’s and sunshine on what turned out to be a record scoring day.

With the course in pristine condition a score of 40 points would have been expected to win in the end six players reached that figure of which two exceeded that number.

At the conclusion it was Simon Hayes with a score of 42 points who took the Members Cup ahead of Graham Flint on 41 points. Graham’s front nine of 26 points was a record for the Society and will look back on a costly last 4 holes that yielded only 3 points. While Simon was consistent throughout with 22 going out and 20 coming back. In needed a card countback to determine the next 4 places. Jake Benson taking 3rd place with 40 points a gross score of 73 shots.  A record gross score for the Society. Jonathon Sankey[4th] Lee Hayward[5th] and Terry Atkinson[6th] also scoring 40 points.

Nearest Pins came the way of Ray Caines, David Thorpe, Jake Benson and Graham Flint with Jake making it a profitable day by having two 2’s during his round the only 2’s of the day.

The players retired to the Anglers Hotel to hear Captain Houghton’s latest repartee before the presentations to the days successful players.

Thanks go to Landlord Wayne and his staff Charlotte and Fran for providing a excellent buffet and serving our needs throughout the evening. Thanks to Just Audi VW for there continued support of the Members Cup and finally to Nick McDonald official photographer who took some very humorous pictures during the hailstones.

The Society move on to June’s fixture and President’s Day at Wheatley Golf Club on Friday 24th June

41 - Graham Flint
40 - Jake Benson
40 - Terry Atkinson
40 - Lee Hayward
40 - Jon Sankey
39 - Bob Marsh
35 - Neil Houghton
34 - Robert Wilson
34 - Dave Thorpe
33 - Martyn Lynes
33 - Clive Dixon
30 - Ron Hersey
30 - Ernest Dyson
30 - Gary Benson
29 - Keith Hardy
29 - Gary Lamb
29 - John Reed
29 - Derek Linton
27 - Ray Caines
25 - Geoff Rippon
24 - Michael Billson
24 - Andy Ecelson
24 - Alf Shaw
23 - Bob Newton